I wish you could see a video of this game, just sped up a bit. This was a great one. The red and I had truced early on, he had me cornered, so he let me break free. We got beaten back, were down against two other truced players who had major dice stacks (purple and yellow). Red said that I came back from a 2 to 1 dice differential. Not sure if it was that large of a difference, but it was an incredible game. Probably the most fun I've ever had playing kdice to date. It's just too bad I didn't even get a screen shot (only because I screwed up and copy/pasted within this post instead of creating the picture of the game first). Oh, well, I've probably put up enough kdice pictures lately, but this one was a good one.
Can you spell O B S E S S E D ?!?!
Yo mama
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