On Wednesday morning information was forwarded to administration regarding a student who had made some inappropriate but general statements about this Friday. Some students in the class felt uncomfortable and reported the comments to both staff and parents. We immediately followed our protocal and had Glendale PD involved. As it turns out, there was no basis for concern but we wanted to be proactive rather than reactive.
Please don't initiate conversations regarding this BUT if your students talk about "a student here threatening the school on Friday", please let them know that what they heard is unfounded. That the administration and police have thoroughly investigated and found nothing.
Thanks for helpiing us (all of us!) get through this week! Keep the information coming and we will keep you posted if other issues surface.
So I have not brought it up, but students have, and I have responded in suite. This is weird to think about. I still plan on coming to school tomorrow, but I know plenty of students aren't going to risk it, and I believe their parents have the full right to keep their children home. We'll see how many come. Another strange thing is that Boulder Creek (my school last year) had a threat about yesterday, also involving a school shooting (which made the news last night). Time for Christ to return? I'm ready.
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