These are resource cards that help you build items to increase your points which helps you win.
These are Development Cards from the original game. They are also used with the first expansion to the game, Sea Fairers, but not the third, Cities & Knights.
The Longest Road is used in all three expansions. If you have the longest road, you get two victory points toward your normal goal of 13. The most common ways to get victory points are through building settlements and cities.
This card displays all of the building costs for the original game. There are different things to build on top of these once you reach the Cities & Knights expansion (which is what Justin, Tim, their friend Nathan and I played).
This is Sea Fairers, an expansion to Settlers which includes more water hexes and shipping lanes to add to the Longest Road.
The Longest Road is used in all three expansions. If you have the longest road, you get two victory points toward your normal goal of 13. The most common ways to get victory points are through building settlements and cities.
This card displays all of the building costs for the original game. There are different things to build on top of these once you reach the Cities & Knights expansion (which is what Justin, Tim, their friend Nathan and I played).
This is Sea Fairers, an expansion to Settlers which includes more water hexes and shipping lanes to add to the Longest Road.