

I'd have to say that blogging has become filler for me at times. It is the thing I do when I don't have anything else to do. That's not been true all of the time, but it has been true recently, if you can tell by all of the Suns reports but not much of anything else. Last week I only posted 4 times, the lowest in my short, illustrious reign as Dutch Royalty. I hope to remedy this with more interesting things being reported on. There is much that I could have written, but I found another thing to occupy my time: kdice. It is an intriguing strategy and chance game that needs 7 people to play. It is totally online, so I can play with people from all over the world, and I have. Many players are from the US, but there are those from Germany, Denmark, Australia, Britain, Brazil, and many more countries. Guess I'm not the only one who enjoys the game. Matthew du Mée is the one who introduced it to me, so I thank him for my newest addiction! He challenged me to get 1600 as my level so we could play on some of the more illustrious boards, and I fought to get there. I made it, and now I am just waiting to take Matthew on. Amazing that the level he told me to aim for was the score on his SAT and the street address where he eventually wishes to end up at (1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW). Coincidence? I think not.