Aidan has a way with words. He counts with incredible accuracy (read the previous post on it) and he tells great jokes (again, read more posts). He is also extremely caring toward his siblings. He's started giving kisses and hugs to both Kate and Isaiah just whenever he feels like it. It melts the heart, let me tell ya. He also has special things he calls his siblings. For Kate, he calls her "Sissy." He'll say things like "Sissy's cup" and "where's Sissy?" For Isaiah, well, he's kind of transitioning back and forth between names. If he's just trying to say Isaiah, he says "Eyes Eyes." He might also just say "Baby." When he wants to put those two together, he says "Baby Eyes." He's now started shortening that to "Be Eyes." I think I like that one the most. What do you think? Vote on the new poll in the side column. You have one week! Let your voice be heard.
Some really great posts - thank you!
I voted "Be eyes" - we all have a part in "the Body," and so if Isaiah's big brother wants Isaiah to "be eyes," then I say w00t! hahahahahahahahaha
I just crack myself up! (sorry Adam - you DO take after me waaay too much!)
Yo Mama
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