

As school was about to commence, the DVUSD (Deer Valley Unified School District) leaders held a district-wide kick-off for all of the teachers and support staff. We had the superintendent speak, as well as a special guest speaker. It was not incredibly thrilling, but the guest speaker was alright. He was a great story-teller. Here are a few of the things that I wrote down during the conference:
  • they keep pumpin' us up so we don't feel so bad about our pay
  • "Purposeful learning community": people, results; productive citizens
  • "one of the most important things you'll be doing in building a community of learners in your classroom," Leah, 06-07 rookie of the year
  • five personal reflection qustions from the superintendent:
  1. how is each treated with dignity and respect?
  2. personalize for each student?
  3. how are they setting goals? (leadership, community service)
  4. life long love for learning being made?
  5. passionate about work?
  • "village to educate": bus driver, secretary, nurse, custodian/maintenance
  • collective efficacy
  • 3 initiatives of DVUSD:
  1. student achievement: common assessments (computer system), inclusionary practices (year 3)
  2. corporation: awards to compare, bell winner in US desired
  3. communication: worksites, school, and district
  • failure without redemption doesn't work