Aidan is now sleeping full time in his new big boy bed. We started on Friday with him sleeping at night in the bed. He has been doing well during the day with not getting out of bed unless he is allowed to. But the last few days he has been getting up when he wakes up in the mornings. On Monday morning I went in his room to find him up and playing. Not only had he been playing he had decided that he would play with the baby powder on his changing table, which he knows he is not allowed to touch. He had completely emptied a travel size bottle all over himself and his room. Needless to say he got in big trouble for this action, and had to have a bath before breakfast. It's a good thing for me that Adam had called in sick that morning...I don't think I could have handled it by myself, especially with Kate crying too. After he got in trouble I had to take some pictures because I knew that it would be very funny later, and it is pretty

Lol...naughty but funny. :-)
Great pictures!
We laughed out loud!
Thanks for posting them and keep 'em comin'!
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