We were over at the Ogles' this afternoon. Well, our A/C busted, so, yeah, Amy was tired of being pregnant and sitting in a hot house, so we went over. Aidan and I played out in the back yard for quite awhile.

The Ogles were gracious enough to let us hang out there, and, actually, Amy and the kids are sleeping over there because of the A/C, but I have a bike and I need to be at school and let Amy have the vehicle, so I am sleeping at home alone. AHHHH! Oh, yeah, and isn't Aidan quite the studly and cute little man?

So, these pictures are of Aidan and how cute he is, not about our A/C, but, hey, you needed an update on our lives, right?

He's my little suns fan. Also, he keeps expanding his vocabulary. He is getting really good at saying a lot. (Wonder where he gets the talkativeness from? Didn't think so.)

I don't know how he would stack up to others, and that doesn't even matter, but I believe he is incredibly awesome and quite intelligent. Wait...he's still a sinner in need of a Savior. Pray for that for my children today, would you?
Oh, yeah...and the Suns beat the Warriors tonight, just fyi.