I know its a little late, but better late than never I guess. Sorry it's been so long, but we got a Wii for Christmas/ Anniversary and that has been occupying all of Adam's time recently. We took a trip to Alabama for Christmas this year. It was such a good trip and we had a wonderful time with Adam's family. It had been 10 months since we had seen any of them and none of them had met Kate yet. We left on Christmas eve night about 8. We were expecting the airport to be packed but we lucked out. We didn't even have to wait to check our bags curbside. We witnessed a strange yelling match between the lady who takes your tickets at the gate and a passenger right when we got to our gate (they were just finishing boarding the flight before ours). Then we waited, got some hot dogs and some chicken for Aidan, and replaced the water bottles that we had to leave at security (I looked up online about taking them with kids and I was sure they would make and exception for a baby with formula...but no). We weren't sure about the flight time and what that would do to the kids, but both of them actually slept most of the way there, and it helped that it was a nonstop flight. We arrived about midnight, met Adam's parents and then had to drive an hour to get to their house. The kids went back to bed , and so did we. It was a long day. We were expecting cold weather while we were there, or at least colder than it was here, but most of the time we were there it was about the same temp as at home, just wet. It rained quite a bit while we were there, that was nice. One day there was a tornado warning all day. The day before we left was colder and the morning that we left it was 23 when we got to the airport. I was glad that it wasn't that cold the whole time we were there. It was nice to see Vaughn and Kathy's house in person and to see Beth and Joseph and Jonathan. Beth is due with the next installment at the beginning of next month. We had some really good conversations and Nana and Papa had fun playing with the grand kids. Adam and I went out to dinner and a movie for our 5th anniversary. THe trip home wasn't quite as fun. We had to get everyone up early to get to the airport. The lines were long, we had to change planes, and didn't get to sit together. The kids had a harder time because they were tired. But we made it and everything is pretty much back to normal. I got a cold while I was there and gave it to everyone else when we got home. Adam's wasn't too bad though, which was god because he didn't have to miss work, we was only sick for a couple of days. We were really glad we were able to go to Alabama for CHristmas and New Years.
5 years ago
you guys got a wii?!
invite me over!!!
I am glad to see that you two have taken a break from the wii to get a few blogs done!
Glad you're enjoying it!
We had a wonderful vist with y'all here. Thanks again for making the sacrifice of travelling with 2 toddlers while being pregnant to be with us.
Snow is in the forecast for Saturday; had some yesterday but it didn't stick - they are saying there WILL be an accumulation this weekend, though. We will take some pictures for ya!
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