Pretty cool double stroller for Agoo to push around.

Kate's all bundled (where is she?), and Aidan's got his belovéd blanket.

We took about 10 days in late July to have a road trip to Lubbock, TX, to visit Amy's mom's side of the family, the Falbos. We also went to Flagstaff for a few days of those 10 on the way home. While in Flagstaff, we took a walk one evening (as seen in the above pictures). The weather was beautiful in both locations. I can't tell you how much I missed my Phoenix, though. I might vacation in Flagstaff, but I want to live here. Family, church, work, beautiful desert landscapes...there is too much to love (yes, mom, that was for you). We had a nice time in Lubbock with the family, but we
really enjoyed some time off in Flag (Amy and Francy scrapbooked most of the time). I think we all needed it pretty bad by that point in the summer, especially as school was about to start again in just a week more when we arrived home.

This was the sunset the evening of our walk.
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