For anyone who loves fantasy books, Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series is a must read. You would need to be secure in your understanding of God's truth in Christ being the only way and that reincarnation and a "One Power" are not realities, but Jordan brings these stories to life in like manner with JRR Tolkien. The first five books' covers are below. I have now read four of the series, and just started the fifth: The Fires of Heaven. There are twelve books in all, that is, right now. And I don't think the story has ended yet. I'll have to see when I get there (in four years!). I do read slowly, but these are well written enough for my time.It took me a long time, but I finished The Eye of the World in 2005.
The Great Hunt I finished in early 2006.
I believe I finished this one sometime last year, maybe Christmas, 2006.
I just finished this one on Saturday, June 23, 2007.
I just started this one Sunday, June 24, 2007. We'll see how long it takes me.

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