Great Grandma Van has now graduated into glory. She now stands accepted and covered by the blood of the Lamb in front of the Lamb in paradise. She passed away on Wednesday night, and I know I said goodbye a long time ago, but I am still having a harder time reconciling that she is truly gone right now. Her incredible legacy spurs me on and calls me out. I now am waiting for the funeral service with all the family and her friends that come. In the midst of the comfort I am receiving for her security in Christ, I am down about other things in life and therefore not celebrating her graduation as I think I should be. Easily discouraged? Maybe. My dad always told me that his dad was easily depressed; my dad is easily depressed; and I can see myself that way, as well. Maybe that's simply how we deal with hard to process situations, I'm not sure. I can tell you that I will remember ggvan and I will share her legacy with my children. I love you, Grandma Van.
Precious in the sight of the LORD
Is the death of His godly ones.
ps 116.15
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