This is from a letter that is being to be sent out to parents and an announcement that was read over the intercom by Principal Dobbs. I was glad to hear her voice on the matter, and I appreciated how she handled it in her speech, as well.
We think it is important to share the following information with you. Several rumors have circulated by text message, email, and phone regarding a possible situation to occur at Deer Valley High School on Friday, April 20.
Yesterday, it was brought to our attention that a student made inappropriate comments at school given the content of current national events. The Glendale Police Department investigated and a district threat assessment was performed. The school and Glendale Police Department completed a thorough investigation.
Deer Valley High School takes all such information seriously. Therefore, we have put in place measures to ensure your students’ safety and are practicing all of our campus security protocols. Several district administrators will be on campus in addition to an increased police presence.
We want you, as part of our school community, to be informed and understand that campus security and, in particular, your student’s safety is a primary concern. To report information on threats or dangerous situations, contact the school or district’s Safe School Hotline 623-376-3262.
Other than the Hotline, where Dobbs said for the students to talk with teachers or with herself about things they were concerned about or information they had, this was exactly what she read over the intercom. I was very pleased with her handling of it, and I told her myself. I am glad to be at Deer Valley. Boulder Creek's incident was not handled as well.
How did Boulder Creek handle it? Yo Mama
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