Below is the post that my sister, Bethany, left on her blog about our Great Grandma Mildred Marcetta (Charles) Van Liew. Here is the link to the original post on Beth's blog: Great Grandma Van.
Last week we were informed that my Great Grandmother was very possibly on deaths door. Our family members were encouraged to say their good-byes. Since she is in Phoenix, my good-bye had to be done over the phone. I have never enjoyed talking on the phone about important things, I would much rather be face to face or write it all down. So, Joseph and I prayed and I made the phone call. I told her I loved her and that I was so thankful for the godly heritage she has passed down. That was about all I could get out and I was very disappointed. So I determined to write her a letter, whether or not she lived to receive it, I would feel better about writing all the things about her that were so important to me. This is what I said...Dearest Grandma Van, I am so very thankful that God chose to give me a great grandmother like you. Mom and I were talking about you the other night and I realized it was you who first introduced me to sharing my faith. When we lived in Grandpa George's old green house down the street from you when I was in fifth grade, I went to Backyard Bible Clubs with you and Mrs. Singer. Thank you for watering that desire in my heart. The desire to see the lost come to know Christ is still very strong in my life and in the life of my husband, Joseph as well. So I really meant it when I said I am thankful for the godly heritage you have given your children and their children and their children, so we can in turn pass it on to our children.I wanted you to know that Jonathan David has been dedicated to the Lord and we pray first for his salvation and second that he will be a godly man of integrity who does great things for the Lord. Selfishly, I wish that I could introduce you to Jonathan in February, but the better thing is to go to meet the Lord. What a glorious homecoming that will be! A long life, well lived! The Lord God will definitely say to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Your life has produced many ripples, like a rock thrown into water, you may never know how many other lives your 100 years of service have touched, but I am eternally grateful that I am counted among those lives. The godly counsel and wisdom you have gained you never kept to yourself and I thank God, that He prompted you to share it with others.I love you so very much; I pray that it was evident in my life. Philippians 1:3 "I thank my God (and will continue to for all my days) upon every remembrance of you."I sent it out the very next day and God has chosen to sustain her life thus far. So I know she will be able to read the words of my heart. I still have mixed feelings wanting to see her and wanting her to go ahead and be with the Lord. I am glad I don't have that decision to make, it is so good to be able to put all our trust in the Lord.
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